Mart Smit

mart smit twin run

Meet Mart Smit

Mart Smit was born in Lutjewinkel, a small village in North Holland.  He grew up in the “great outdoors”, and developed a passion for nature.  He studied biology, and started taking photographs of his work as a hobby. 

This hobby led to Mart becoming a reknowned nature photographer in the Netherlands, and led to the creation of his business, Smit In Beeld, a photography studio and workshop provider based in Lutjewinkel. He also works as an ecologist.

His passion for running started about 10 years ago, and over the years, a short run has become a passion for longer distances.  Running is not only about fitness for Mart, but also about keeping his mind and body fit and healthy.

For media enquiries regarding the Twin Run or Mart please visit our press page.