The Twin Run will be updated online, with social media feeds being updated by our team, and also Mart, as well as the live tracker of his movements as he runs between the 3 hospitals. Follow him live between October 8-10, 2021.

Here’s how you can support Mart along the way.
We’ve provided a map that will automatically update with his location along the way – so you’ll be able to see where he is. If you see he’s coming near you, why not head out and cheer him on!
Over the 3 days, his progress will be updated here as well, and we’ll update the distance barometer hourly so you can see how many kilometers he’s run.
Please keep in mind COVID-19 Guidelines as per the RIVM.
Track Mart Live!
Follow Mart and the Twin Run live here:
Tracking Points
Here’s some major milestones and timing points for Mart’s Run:
08:30 Start Hoorn (Dijklander Ziekenhuis)
11:00 Alkmaar (Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep) 26.5km
13:00 Johanna’s Hof 40km
15:30 Ijmuiden 55km
08:00 Start Ijmuiden
09:05 Amsterdamse Waterleiding 72km
11:00 Depart Noordwijk with LUMC team 93 km
12:00 LUMC Leiden 103 km
10:00 Start Leiden Marathon

For the final 10 kilometers, around 40 doctors, researchers, and professionals and their families from the LUMC in Leiden will be showing their support. They will cycle, run and walk with Mart to raise awareness of twin complications. Dressed in red and white, this extraordinary team will leave from Noordwijk and arrive at the LUMC at approximately 12:00 on Saturday.
Support The Twin Run
Show your support for the Twin Run and #teamLUMC by making a donation here.

More Information
Please see our press page or contact us for more information.